Women for Water Partnership | SDG Nederland

Women for Water Partnership

Women as agents of change in water management


The Hague

Type organisatie


Wij werken aan de volgende SDG's:

Organisatie Omschrijving

WfWP is a unique partnership of women’s organizations and networks, uniting women leadership in around 134 predominantly low and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA region) and Western Europe, reaching over one million women

All 27 member organizations are rooted in society and are active in the areas of water and sanitation, sustainable development, women’s participation and empowerment. The membership ranges from rural women, academia, women water professionals, and businesswomen to service organizations and special interest groups. WfWP positions women as active leaders, partners, experts and agents of change in water.

WfWP uses water as an entry point to women’s empowerment and to improve equitable access to water for all, for all uses. Women traditionally have vast experience in the water sector and the crucial role they play in effective and efficient water management is increasingly acknowledged and supported by evidence. Involving both women and men in integrated water resources initiatives leads to better sustainability, governance and efficiency. 

Being a diverse network of women’s organizations, WfWP can draw from a magnitude of expertise and knowledge relating to different themes and topics in the broad water-gender-sustainable development nexus. When a specific expertise is needed, globally, regionally or nationally, WfWP calls upon the relevant member to represent WfWP and provide input for that specific occasion.

Zo dragen wij bij aan de SDG's

Targeted Impact & Commitments


Equal access to water and safe Sanitation: Our members implementing projects contribute to SDG 6 & SDG 5

Lobby and advocacy is an essential element of WfWP’s work to ensure that decision makers, science and technology take on board Women's expertise and perspectives. WfWP influences policy by providing members a podium to articulate their opinions in (inter)-national policy processes and main (inter)-national water events. WfWP collaborates with partners and like-minded organisations also outside the water sector to increase its effectiveness.  Lobby messages are derived from real life experiences and lessons learnt.


Impact achieved

WfWP has significantly contributed to improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH), through the water projects implemented by its members. Projects have led to sustainable solutions for WaSH delivery, irrigation, water management, empowered women and communities, and, stimulated local economic development, generating additional income streams for women and their communities. Many women have gained positions in decision-making processes, from local water bodies to international fora.